Side navigation menus - Biology. Sequence Manipulation Suite 2 - SMS. Python CGI Scripts for Bioinformatics.
Phages for Health, Industry, and Agriculture. As the only state-funded phage research institute in the United States, the CPT is dedicated to be a world leader in advancing phage therapy in modern world. Learn more about how we move the field forward with both basic and applied research. CPT featured in Time Magazine Superbugs Are Nearly Impossible to Fight. This Last-Resort Medical Treatment Offers Hope.
Artificial life breakthrough after scientists create new living organism using synthetic DNA. New advance in DNA base editing tools.
Scientists have a social responsibility to use science to help solve the important problems of humanity. Friday, June 22, 2007. Emerson Hall, Cornell University. Before the xa5 gene had been cloned, nobody thought that a gene encoding general transcription factor was involved in susceptibility to certain strain of bacterial blight.
In April, 2003, ShineGene Bio-Technologies, Inc. was founded and registered in Shanghai Caohejing Economics and Technology Development Zone. In May, 2004, synthesis department was set up and began the gene synthesis business for customers. In June, 2004, as required by the market, ShineGene started the peptide synthesis service.
آیین نامه انجمن های علمی دانشجویی. انجمن علمی مکانیک ماشین های کشاورزی دانشگاه تربیت مدرس. مجله مشترک گروه بیماری شناسی گیاهی و حشره شناسی دانشگاه تربیت مدرس. آموزش استفاده از برنامه اندنوت EndNote. ISPP World Directory of Plant Pathologists.
آیین نامه انجمن های علمی دانشجویی. انجمن علمی مکانیک ماشین های کشاورزی دانشگاه تربیت مدرس. مجله مشترک گروه بیماری شناسی گیاهی و حشره شناسی دانشگاه تربیت مدرس. آموزش استفاده از برنامه اندنوت EndNote. ISPP World Directory of Plant Pathologists.
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Объявление конкурса на новые группы по программе МКБ на 2018-2020 гг. Избранные достижения из программы МКБ за 2016 год. Отмена конкурса на новые группы по программе МКБ. Объявление конкурса на новые группы по программе МКБ на 2018-2020 гг.
Tisztelt Látogató! Uuml;dvözlöm a Debreceni Egyetem molekuláris biológia mesterképzését. A molekuláris biológia képzési program a 2008-ban 15 éves jubileumát ünneplő molekuláris biológus egyetemi képzés folytatásaként jött létre.
For bioinformatics analysis at the University of Oxford. We especially encourage collaborations that require writing custom software, bioinformatics tools and databases. An account with the CBRG has many benefits.